Thursday, May 11, 2006

Cruel Justice

I was speeding on a 300 mi trek from MD to Slippery Rock, PA. Being a cheap skate I had avoided the PA Turnpike and all the other tolls and was within 10 mi of my destination. It was 3 am on some two lane highway and I was on the downside of some hill accelerating. As I rolled up the otherside of the next hill I see flashing lights behind me. I guess he knew I and others would be coming.

So I get a ticket for $75 fine, $75 admin fee. I was so frustrated. My vacation had just accrued a $150 expense.

When I got home I paid the fine, and on the check I wrote $75 fine, $75 for donuts and coffee. I thought I had voiced my tacid disapproval and felt the sweet victory of vindication for such an unjustice.

To my chagrin, the payment was refused, and the invoice for the ticket sent back to me, with the $150 crossed out, and $160 written in. Was I going to go 300 miles to court. Certainly not paying would cause my state to be notified and points on my liscense and insurance rates go up.

I had no choice but to pay it. Boy did it hurt to write that check.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Patriot Guard Ride

I put 300 miles on my 500cc Honda Shadow yesterday, and if that poor 1986 Honda feels like I do, she's wishing I left her home today. My hands hurt. Of course we were both holding on for dear life. I think the longest ride I have been on has been about 50 miles round trip. And more poor shadow hasn't been over 4000rpms. But as she had to keep up with those 1500cc Goldwings on the beltway, . . .at 6000rpms. We both were tired.

Of course the comedy of the day was as follows:
I left home at 530am 43degrees and got to the rally point 10min late. No one is there and I'm cold.

I left the rally point and arrived at the DOVER Denny's late as well, but they were running late too. I'm cold, and its time to go. . .no pit stop for me. Put the red vest on and go. . . its not fastened

We went from Dover Denny's to the Dover AFB picked up the hearse. Forgot to take the red vest off. It flaps in the wind whether fastened or not.

We head off to the Bay bridge but stop in Kent Island for fuel for those "small bikes". Fuel up the small bike, grap a slim fast and a double shot expresso, pocket them and on to that pit stop I wanted 50 miles back. . . guzzle my two beverages and we are off! I left my jacket pockets open and I am loading up on cool air, I am still cold.

On to the funeral home. I was more awake now, and it was getting warmer!

Convoy riding is a hoot but stressful all the same. For me a spacer, it was easy to fall behind. Afterall even if I had cruise control the convoy speeds up and slows down in the back, so a lot of acceleration and braking occurred. But we did have a statepolice motorcycle escort. 3 of them with BMWs no less! Boy could they ride. They reminded me of sheep dogs chasing the locals when they got too close to us.

We got there at 12:30pm. A uniformed seargant came out and thanked us for being there. He was evidently the individual who had invited us. The PGR captain said we were asked to stay till the wife got there at 2:30pm. About 15 of us waited. She broke down in tears when she saw us, and headed into the building. It was saddening. I suspect she has had enough attention. I didn't realize this particular individual had national press coverage. I hope she finds peace. I hope she did not take offense to our presence. The PGR captain indexed the event a little after 3pm. We said our good byes to the fellows left. . . and headed home.

I am a member of the Patriot Guard Riders, which is a diverse group of motorcycle riders from across the nation. We have one thing in common besides motorcycles. We have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security. It was my honor to escort Captain Weikel from Dover Air Force Base to Arlington Virginia. The escort had more than 50 motorcyclists from, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and other states. Every rider had at least one American Flag with him, either to carry or on their motorcycle. Our escort stretched nearly two miles. The Delaware State, Dover, Maryland State, Maryland Transportation Authority, and Virginia State Police provided us with escort all the way. Police officers were seen on the side of the road at attention and saluting.John D. Santivasci Jr. (Saint Leonard, MD )

The captain was a loyal patriot willing to put himself in harms way for our country. You swear to fealty to your country and hope the county's decision to put you in harms way is not undertaken lightly.My Dad did it and I did it. We made it back. Many do not.

I am thankful that I am back with my wife today. I am thankful I may hug my daughter. I am thankful for the relationship I was able to experience with my father. This opportunity is no longer an option for Cpt Weikel's family.

This is my way to "Support our Troops" like the sticker on my truck says. Protestors or not, it is an honor to be invited and to be present.